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Flexera One Forum

Forum Posts

ELI5 - Deploying Flex Agent via Intune

Hi everyone, I know this is a really basic thing, but we're unable to get the Flexera Agent deploying via Intune.Does anyone have any step by step guide on packaging the Flexera agent, configuring the bootstrap and CMD/batch file text to use?Again, i...

Solved Bulk Ignore devices from a CVS or excel list

 I need to bulk - remove link and ignore  840 devices.This is very tedious manually.Is there a way to upload a cvs or excel file of these devi es  to select in Flexera and accomplish this in one shot for all 840 devices ? -OR-once for Remove Link and...

Solved SQL Inventory

Hi All,I have a server reporting SQL Server Database Engine Services, which is being treated as a commercial application. I have validated that it is actually the Express edition that is installed by executing the following query in SQL Management St...

RWG2022 by Level 7
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Custom BMC Discovery

I Disabled the Custom BMC Job, now i want to enable it again but it is still showing In Progress and i don't have the option enable it back.     Thank and Regards, Greeshma Rayapudi.

User License Consumption

I am looking for some best practices for User licenses, especially is a large Healthcare environment. Currently our consumption is showing a user license for the user, any tech that logs in to resolve a problem for a user, on a shared device anyone t...