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Flexera One Forum

Forum Posts

Solved! FYI - Check any ITAM API Custom Reports for Error

FYI - If you are using the reportsExecute method via the FlexeraOne ITAM API, you may want to double check your scripts.I believe the upgrades or emergency maintenance from last week (personally I am in United States/North America flexeraOne) may hav...

Solved! Importing Atlassian usage data into Flexera One

Hi all,Looking to get Atlassian usage data imported into Flexera One.  The data that is coming from Atlassian Cloud seems to only be when someone has last logged in, but doesn't take into account which Atlassian product is being used (e.g. Trello, Co...

sdbash by Level 5
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Billing centers allocation rules based on account name

I have a Billing Center A with several rules based on account namesI have created several rules, let's say 5 .  to organize/group  visually the accounts per ruleCosts related to the 5 rules are well allocated to Billing Center AIn Billing Center A, I...

Brnfxi by Level 2
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How to get logs from cloud workflow

Hi,I have created a policy with escalation.In the automation/escalation policies we have 3 actions that we can take.One of them is the “cloud workflow”.How can I see the logs from the cloud workflow to debug my code?Thank you 

Network device info Q

Hi team,  I have a question for a use-case and I'm hoping Flexera could be the solution for it. I have an in-house developed application that holds network devices CMDB information (vendor, model, S/N etc.) I want to be able to take the relevant data...

dsosic by Level 2
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CLOUD WorkFlow - Debuging/Throubleshooting

hi,i need to create a http post request with content type "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",I have created a request, but it's not working:################################################################################ Cloud Workflow##############...

Solved! ITAM Agent upgrade issues on RHEL 9

We are using FlexeraOne ITAM application. We do not allow the automated upgrade of Flexera agents, instead doing the upgrades using our own tools.  For linux, we have been using ansible tower with great success.  However, we ran into a snag updating ...