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Flexera One Forum

Forum Posts

Solved UAT Favorites missing & unable to readd

I have one user in Flexera One (UAT), who's favorites were missing this morning and when the user tries to add something back to Favorites, they are unable, cannot click on the star.User has tried in Chrome/Edge/IE, and with and without mouse. Can cl...

Solved Cognos Analytics Reporting - Corporate Unit

Hi - I was wondering if anyone had experience with reporting on Corporate Unit in Cognos Analytics.From this training video, it is recommended to use the "Flexera Data Models" dataset.  I dont see corporate unit in that dataset.My goal is to create a...

Solved Question regarding agent communication

Hi all,I do have a question regarding the dataflow (communication and ports) between the Agent/Beacon/FlexeraOne.Agent => Beacon and from there the data will be uploaded to FlexeraOneWhat are the ports that needs to be open for that communication? Ar...

Flexera One and SSO and Roles

We have SSO enabled but it seems like Setting someone's role is still manual process.Is there a way to create different AD groups and have the roles set there?Thanks,Spencer

Flexera Service Account used with BeyondTrust

I was wondering if someone could help regarding service account management using Beyond Trust. We have seen on the KB that there are integrations with CyberArk but there is nothing around Beyond Trust and that is our strategic route. Also we have an ...

Asset type not set automatically

I would like to understand how to fix the Asset type to set automatically - segregating its own asset type. By default it set  the Asset type to "workstation" if no value is specified. How to we fix this , instead manually updating the asset type.

SaaS Services Uptime

Is there a solution in place for monitoring SaaS applications with an agreement including uptime commitment for services?