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Flexera One Forum

Forum Posts

Adjustment Program

Hello I would like to create a new adjustment row ( For example the currency adjustment for August )I don't see the possibility to create a new line on the interface How can i create itthanks for you help

EMEA SaaS Applications

Get ready for it…we are! In 2020 Q3, Flexera is working on setting up SaaS Manager in an EMEA data center so our friends in EMEA can manage their SaaS applications and experience the success our North America customers have seen. As we work towards g...

arossiaky by Flexera Alumni
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FSM Never Login User activity meaning

Can someone please explain the concept of of never active in FSM?I understand it means the user has never logged on to saas application, but what i need to understand is how old data would saas manager bring in for a saas application.If a user previo...

Optima Billing Center API

I would like to connect to the Optima API to pull billing center time series data for spend by service. Unfortunately I am not able to find documentation to support that. Has anyone had success with this and might be able to point me in the right dir...

Solved Unable to change display name of custom tag in Optima

We initially set up a bunch of custom tags in Optima to filter our reports on. We simply need to change the "Display Name" of the tag in the Optima Settings to label it something else. I can edit the tag, change the text and click on Save without err...

Empty resource_id when querying the Bill Analysis API

Hello, I'm running into a small problem when querying the Bill Analysis costs/select end point. I'm specifying the `resource_id` as a dimension to be returned but when looking at the data received from the endpoint, the `resource_id` for each item in...

CCRDev by Level 4
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AWS Organisations

HiOptima supports AWS STS allowing a cross account trust to be created between Optima and an AWS account.  I'm unable to find any documentation relating to how Optima can then assume roles in child AWS accounts.   This would enable one Optima credent...

scarrad by Level 2
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Solved Bill Analysis API Question

Hello,I am currently attempting to utilize the costs api as detailed here: specifically the "select costs" endpoint. When I make an authenticated request ( via OAuth token ) to th...

CCRDev by Level 4
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