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FlexNet Manager Forum

Join users and Flexera staff in discussion forums for answers to your FlexNet Manager Suite & Engineering Applications questions

Forum Posts

Solved FNMS Inventory Agent config corrupt

This is how the corrupt config.ini looks and thes agent would fall into Out of Date Inventory and will never be able to get policy update or upload inventory initially i thought it was just missing Download and Upload server info but, since the confi...

Solved maintenance gap error

Hi All As per attached screenshot, there is no gap in maintenance dates or the quantities but we still  getting the maintenance gap alert on this parituclar license. Also for this license, the purchase qty for this license showing as 0 and maintenanc...

ImIronMan by Level 6 Flexeran
  • 18 replies
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Solved Delete an Account

Once you delete a user account under, Enterprise - All Users, does that completely remove the account from the system? What I have noticed is that the account still appears under "Accounts." So how exactly would you completely remove the account?

IBM Cognos Service Restart failed

Hi Team,IBM Cognos Service Restart Failed and it is causing Flexera Analytics Tab in my application.Error: "Error 1053: The Service did not Respond to the Start or Control Request in a Timely Fashion"Solutions Tried:We have tried ServicesPipeTimeout ...

Kasi23 by Level 3
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Solved Can not Upload Purchase Data

Hi all,I would like to use feature Data Input to upload Purchase order.  When I upload the data I get an error. "Access to the server path "~/ App _ Data / Upload Temp /" is denied. The reason might be due to lack of permissions to write files in thi...

Solved Software Usage Metering for MACs

Hi,Is there a KB or doc that shows how to enable usage or Mac devices from the installation?I found the one for Windows but I cant find the same or similar fields on the  bootstrap file.I found it can be enabled after install by editing the

Solved VMware Bundles

Is vSphere with Operations Management 6 Enterprise Plus, truly a bundle? The software included with the above is vSphere  Enterprise Plus for 1 processor and vRealize Operations 8 Standard (Per CPU). If so, how do I capture that in FlexNet Manager?