I have VMWare hosts, that do not have VM with Windows Server Datacenter installed, so FlexeraOne does not automatically assign DC licenses even though there are several VMs. When I manually allocate a DC license it consumes just one license, it does not consume based on the core count of the physical hardware. Although I would expect the tool to work out the consumption, as a potential workaround I do not appear to have the option to manually specify the number of licenses to consume.
Can anyone advise / help?
‎Nov 28, 2022 02:41 AM
I think that what you're seeing may be explained in documentation: Microsoft Server/Management Core (license type) and especially in the tip near the bottom of the page:
‎Dec 07, 2022 04:09 AM
Sounds like the license may not be configured with the correct license type and/or Use Rights & Rules. You should use the 'Microsoft Server / Management Core' license type which is designed specifically for Windows Server licensing. Once that license type is chosen, on the Use Rights & Rules tab you can enable the setting that 'one licensed host allows unlimited VM installations' as well as set the minimum core counts in the 'Core Limits' section.
‎Dec 09, 2022 10:59 AM