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License Compliance Status Changed from Compliant to At Risk

After our reconciliation completed yesterday one of our licenses changed from Compliant to At Risk. How do I find out what the reason was for the increase in our consumption please? I wasn't expecting it, so I'd like to be able to understand it in more detail.


(4) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

The system doesn't give any direct "before vs after" comparison to easily drill in to what data resulted in a particular consumption calculation done in the past, so all you have in terms of what is driving consumption is what you can see in there now. If you happen to have an export saved showing details from the consumption tab from some point in the past then you could compare those details with what you see there now.

What specific data is relevant for calculating consumption will obviously firstly depend on the license type. For example, if you have a user-based license then consumption might be driven by new usage data that has been received and imported. As another example, changes to what application installations have been recognized could result in a change to calculated license consumption.

(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the response. These are Microsoft Core Infrastructure Server Suite Standard core-based licenses. We license some of our VMs by VM as opposed to by VM Host. It is obvious that there has been a few additional VMs spun up that fall into the device group that we created. Is there no way of seeing more details about which specific machines pushed us over our license limit, for example some sort of consumption history by inventory device? That would be super useful in situations like this one.



As Chris pointed out above, every nightly inventory import and following license reconciliation will result in a new calculated compliance position with devices potentially "moving" in/out of being covered by a given license. I can only think of extracting the license assessment details after every reconcile and compare with the previous to monitor which devices "moved" in/out of being covered. This isn't something Flexera ITAM is currently doing as Chris pointed out already...


Hi @RWG2022 .  That is one of the key use cases for building a customer datamart -  we even do it for on premise customers.

Using the API's you are able to extract required reporting objects form FNMS; you then create an all installations view from the data daily, and a history table from that.  It is a lot of data but it answers critical questions and including trends on Java cleanups for example.

Regards, Nico