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How to configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server (not for Virtual Datacenters) license?



I would like to configure a Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server license (SKUs RH00004 or RH00003), which is not a Red Hat Enterprise Linux for Virtual Datacenters license.


The SKU library applies a Processor Points license type with a "RHEL for Virtual Datacenters" points rule set. But I understand that this is not correct as for Virtual Datacenters products are licensed in a slightly different way (no virtual machines are counted).

I want the metric to reflect how RHEL Server is licensed: each subscription covers 1 physical node with up to 2 sockets, or 2 virtual nodes regardless of virtual sockets.

How do I do this? Thank you in advance.

(2) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I hear that Red Hat licensing can be a little tricky. I can't say I'm an expert in the area, but here are some links to resources which may be helpful in case you haven't found them:

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Thank you for your answer. I think that, even with the addition of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Optimization Report, managing RHEL licenses in Flexera is still an issue and that a a specific license type capable of integrating the 1-physical-node-with -up-to-2-sockets/2-virtual-nodes metric should be added to the tool.