Hi Team,
I am struggling with this very basic thing, that what is the very first place or log file where I can confirm that .ndi file created for the device inventory and has been uploaded to the beacon or app server.
As soon as I install the agent, and run the mgspolicy.exe & ndtrack.exe, where on beacon I can confirm that I received the inventory file on beacon or app server, without waiting for the reconcile to happen and seeing that on UI.
‎May 20, 2020 05:46 PM
Hi Sushant,
First you can check the tracker log located normally in the c:\windows\temp\managesoft. This is the default, location of logs generated on the agent. Within the tracker log you can see that the ndi file has been created and uploaded if it was successful. This would be the first point i would check. As for the beacon, you can check the same location in the for the uploader log however this might be a needle in a haystack
Hope this helps
Many Thanks,
‎May 21, 2020 06:53 AM
‎May 21, 2020 07:06 AM
On Linux/UNIX, the agent log files (including the TRACKER.LOG) are found in /var/opt/managesoft/log
‎May 21, 2020 07:18 AM
Hi @sushantnarula94 ,
There are several ways how to achieve this:
Activate the replication on IIS as stated before
On Beacon check the IIS log file, complicated as you have a lot of entries there
Or the solution that I implemented:
On beacon you have a in Task Scheduler a task called upload flexera log and inventories, this task is the one that upload your inventory.
I created a power shell script that will list all content of the incoming folder (depend on your installation where this folder is, by default is in c:\programdata\flexera software\incoming) this is the folder where you receive all the .ndi files, and dump the list in a .csv file, in this way if you have multiple beacons you can see in on which beacon the .ndi files are coming, I modified the tasks and put my custom powershell before executing the upload, so in this way you will have accurate data.
The command that I use is the following:
dir 'C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Incoming\Inventories' | select Name,CreationTime | Export-Csv 'd:\temp\beacon_01.csv' -Append​
Also I activated the replication on app server, so that I can check the .ndi files that are coming, it's very useful, also you should take into consideration to implement a clean up procedure for the replication folder, as the .ndi file will stack up an consume your space.
‎May 27, 2020 01:24 AM