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How can I tell, on a beacon server, which hosts (agent inventory) it handled?


I have a bunch of different beacon servers, and a whole bunch of hosts with a fnms agent on it. Sometimes inventory data from an agent is sent to beacon 1, and sometimes to beacon 2. Is it possible to see, on a beacon server, which hosts it has handled? Is this logged and if so where? 


(3) Replies

which version of the Beacon you are using?
In Version 18.0.X there is a function available to store a copy of incoming data-sets to a specific directory. (see screenshot)

If you see switching of NDI files from a Beacon to another, it is because of the integrated fail-over-settings within the Agent and the network-availability of your Beacons. The Agent will always get the information about your Infrastructure and all configured Beacons. Thus, he (the Agent) tries to ping all of the Beacons and will set the priority based on the closest Beacon in your Network.
Also, there is an option to pinpoint a desired Beacon within the config.ini or the Registry of an Agent. If you need this option, please contact Flexera for further details.

You could parse the IIS log on the individual beacon to see which managed devices used it for their inventory uploads.  For example, to see which managed devices used a particular inventory beacon on 2/13:

find  "PUT /ManageSoftRL/Inventories" C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex230213.log

I use a variant of this command to get the number of inventory uploads an inventory beacon handled:

find /c "PUT /ManageSoftRL/Inventories" C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\u_ex230213.log

No specific Inventory Beacon version required!



By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

The other responses on this thread provide some good pointers on options to consider. For further reference, here are a couple of other threads related to this topic:

  • Idea ITAM-I-90: Ability to track which beacons inventory came through via the GUI and ability to sum up total number of clients checking into a specific beacon (please vote for this idea if it would be useful to you)
  • Agent's default Beacon (forum discussion)


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