‎Mar 30, 2018 06:42 AM
‎May 07, 2018 10:41 AM
‎Apr 22, 2019 11:19 AM
The following query may work against your on-premises Casper/JAMF database (depending on your version) to extract data that could be used as the basis for importing data into the ImportedInstalledInstallerEvidenceUsage table in FlexNet. The usage data available from Casper/JAMF is limited and may not be particularly useful or useable by FlexNet, but hopefully is better than nothing.
SELECT LEFT(REPLACE(RTRIM(LTRIM(IFNULL(aul.application_details_id, ''))),'.app',''), 250) AS DisplayName, LEFT(RTRIM(LTRIM(IFNULL(aul.application_usage_log_id, ''))), 72) AS Version, '' AS Publisher, /* No publisher details available */ aul.computer_id as MachineID, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(MAX(aul.usage_date_epoch)/1000), '%Y/%m/%d') AS LastUsedDate, /* It's not possible to determine the usage period over which to count the number of sessions as it's not possible to transfer data from the target FlexNet database to source Casper database for non-MSSQL data sources. Therefore, the number of sessions is hard coded to 1. */ 1 AS NumberOfSessions FROM application_usage_logs AS aul WHERE RTRIM(aul.application_details_id) LIKE '%.app' GROUP BY DisplayName, Version, Publisher, MachineID
‎Apr 23, 2019 05:23 AM
‎Apr 23, 2019 10:19 AM
Hi Dawn, We have a similar request here and are not able to pull active-usage data. Has there been any update to the API (we have a custom connector that I believe you wrote for us)? Thanks, Mike
‎Apr 09, 2020 12:03 PM
Hi Dawn, curious what the outcome of this was and if you were able to find a solution to pull software activity report from JAMF. We'd love to be able to pull unused license reports from all OS X devices. Thanks, Mike
‎Apr 30, 2020 07:18 PM
In the most recent version of JAMF I've seen, they've removed the user from the Usage table. You can pull and "fake" it from the user on the Computer table.
For the JAMF Cloud\API versions, the Usage is not easily obtained through a report or when listing installed applications.
For the Cloud Version, I can get the Computers and Installed Applications in a single API call by creating a Report - but I do not recall Usage being available.
Looking at the current Cloud API, the data returned for Usage doesn't contain User Name either and would require an API call for each computer. I have not reviewed the API Usage agreement which may limit the # of API calls and may not be possible.
You can review the JAMF Cloud API here:
‎May 04, 2020 02:43 PM