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Adobe SKU found but "No recommendation calculated"

We loaded a number of Adobe purchases. Typical stuff. Good SKUs. SKUs are recognized by FNMS.

However, despite the SKUs being recognized, FNMS isn't recommending that any new license to be created. "No recommendation calculated."

Shouldn't FNMS give us the option to create a new license based on the SKU? We've recalculated these a number of times. But the results are always the same, and the Accept button is always grayed out. Anyone know why?




(1) Reply

What does the "Alert" say for these lines?

My guess is that FlexNet cannot automatically create a license as these as Subscription Licenses where the expiration date is based on the contract, and these Purchase Lines are likely not linked to a Contract.

You should be able to select one of these lines, and go through the PROCESS wizard as it recognizes these SKUs and when you get to the step about when the expiration ends, you can then select your appropriate Adobe Contract.