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By Level 8 Flexeran
Level 8 Flexeran


Visual Studio subscription SKUs and Bundles currently have a complete list of applications mapped to them as confirmed from the Microsoft document here - All applications mentioned in the subscription are for Test or Development environments i.e, non-production usage. The subscription covers only Visual Studio and Office products (in case of Enterprise edition) for production use.

To help manage better license positions, avoid production installations to be covered by MSDN and reduce the hassle of managing multiple applications, we are simplifying the logic of consumption by limiting the mapping of related SKUs and Bundles to Visual Studio and Office (wherever applicable).

Customers will have the ability to use an exemption by roles on the server applications, if the MSDN subscription permits to cover all non-production systems. If the subscription allows to cover only a subset of the non-production systems, customers can use the Intelligent Restriction aka “Restriction by report” introduced in FNMS 2022R2 or will be able to use the Intelligent Exemption aka “Exemption by Report” that will be released in September 2023 for Cloud Customers and November 2023 with FlexNet Manager 2023R2.

The revised SKU mappings are scheduled to be released on 25th August 2023, along with the usual SKU, PURL, and Bundle updates.

Before or Current:

All Visual Studio license’s application tab would have 200+ primary applications.

After the update:

Visual Studio Enterprise License’s application tab will have only Visual Studio and Office product applications mapped.

Visual Studio Professional and Test Professional License’s application tab will have Visual Studio alone.

Customer action:

Customers would receive multiple Recommended License Changes (RLCs) to get the license(s) updated. Please review and act on each recommendation.

The customers will be able to use automated exemptions on server licenses where appropriate.

Please raise a detailed support ticket if needed.


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