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App Broker Forum

Forum Posts

Intune Error Message for Integration

We are working on the intune integration for app broker, but running into an error at the moment stating that either the prereqs aren't met or the configuration is incorrect. It seems like the configuration to connect to the Dev Intune is all correct...


Solved Implementing App Broker without SCCM

Are there any specific requirements for installing App Broker in an environment without any SCCM/ConfigMgr and instead Intune and JamfPro will be used? I am running into issues with an installation right now and I'm wondering if it's because I didn't...

Solved Passing the ConfigMgr ID of a device into a Script Command

Hello - has anyone ever tried to set an argument in a Script Command, that includes the device's ConfigMgrID property? I see the correct ID for the device in ConfigMgrID field for the record in the WD_Computer table.   But selecting the ConfigMgrID p...

Solved Software Catalog Reviews Table

We have software reviews enabled in the catalog. We can see the reviews on the catalog item on the reviews tab, but we cannot figure out which table we can use to see them in the database.

Solved MS Store Apps deploying from Intune

We recently connected App Portal (2022 R1) to Intune and we noticed we can not point our App Portal CI to an Intune App that is the Type "Microsoft Store app (new)".We can point to the Legacy WSfB type, and LOB/Win32.  Will "Microsoft Store app (new)...

Solved Single and Multi Line Questions not required

We are on 2021 R2 and I started noticing that some of our required questions for requesters were not being answered.  I looked at the request.log for each of these and noticed the question was not showing as mandatory and the log said all mandatory q...

Solved License Check and Reclamation with Jamf Pro Cloud?

I remember seeing a couple of years ago or so that integrations with Jamf Pro Cloud as a deployment technology, while not also having SCCM/ConfigMgr integrated to retrieve data from, meant that license governance actions like reclamation and license ...