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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

Build errors

I get the following two errors\warnings when building the msi package. Can these safely be ignored?1. A non-advertised shortcut must be created for WINZIP.HLP in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]WinZip. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.2. Und...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Moving shortcuts.

I have repacked something and now I need to move the shortcuts to a different location (I.e add another folder to the path. I cannot drag and drop the old folder into the new one. I can only delete it when I go into the directory table!! As soon as i...

Extracting Icons.

I have found that I cannot extract Icons from a 16bit exe? Is this normal? The shortcut menu allows me to browse to the exe file and select an Icon from the index, but at build time it carries an error that "cannot extract Icon with index 0 from xxx...

Repackaging Adobe Acrobat Writer 5.0.5

Hi All,I have repackaged Adobe Acrobat Writer 5.0.5 with Admin Studio in Windows Installer format (.msi). When I install my package interactively, everything installs and functions properly. However when I publish my package through the Active Direct...

Repackaging Complex Applications

The application is complex because it is a collection of 4 setup.exes. One of which contains an embedded msi. My question is there any best practices for repackaging complex applications like this? At my company we have a policy of not repackaging ve...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Unable to validate with Installahield 5.5

Hello - I've just installed Windows 2003 Server on a new Dell machine and installed AdminStudio 5.5. When using DevStudio, everything seems to work except the Full Validation Suite. My Build works fine but when I try to perform a Full Validation Suit...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Pulling my hair out.

I have three MSI packages. That need to be installed in a spicific order. How do I do it. I have tried playing with custom actions but it just does not seem to work.

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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MATLAB: IS Dev8 crashing

I am repackaging MATLAB 13.1 into an msi for distribution. I have successfully converted the application into an msi using the method of one cab per component. This however produces a redistributable with 4,393 files, not exactly ideal when the dire...

mupdike by Level 4
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System Search

OK, what am I over looking???Can "System Search" be used to build an install condition to keep a setup from running.For example I am building a Oracle Client and want to keep it of the Database Administrators PC's (As they are always testing out new ...

Error 2835 and 1904

I get the following errors when I run an msi that I have created with AdminStudio 5.5. There are about 20 - 30 files that get the same error so hopefully this is a simple fix.MSI (s) (04:18): Executing op: RegSelfReg(File=ipsacctserv.dll,FileID=ipsa...