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Error 2835 and 1904

I get the following errors when I run an msi that I have created with AdminStudio 5.5. There are about 20 - 30 files that get the same error so hopefully this is a simple fix.

MSI (s) (04:18): Executing op: RegSelfReg(File=ipsacctserv.dll,FileID=ipsacctserv.dll)
SelfRegModules: File: ipsacctserv.dll, Folder: C:\win32app\ingr\ipshare\clntutil\bin\bin\
DEBUG: Error 2835: The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog SetupError
Internal Error 2835. ErrorIcon, SetupError
Error 1904.Module C:\win32app\ingr\ipshare\clntutil\bin\bin\ipsacctserv.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147024769. Contact your support personnel.
MSI (s) (04:18): Product: Digital IPlot -- Error 1904.Module C:\win32app\ingr\ipshare\clntutil\bin\bin\ipsacctserv.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147024769. Contact your support personnel.

(2) Replies
Please don't take this the wrong way...

The files you listed say "...\bin\bin\". Does this directory structure really exist, could it be a file path problem?
It does exist, I wondered that too at first. I did figure out how to fix it. Here is what I did:

In the Direct Editor under the Control table I changed the row that said SetupError and had a Control value of "ErrorIcon" to "WarningIcon". That got rid of one error but then I got an error on the registration of the files, I unchecked the Self-Register on each file and that fixed my problems.
