Hi, I found some Users in the dbo.ADUserObject table which can be not seen in Spider System > Employee. Is there a rule something else in Spider which User from the AD-Connector will be created as employee?
Regrads Markus
Aug 26, 2020 03:06 AM
Hi Markus,
I will check this out and if necessary do some tests. I would have thought any imported object will be visible... as an Asset at the very least.
Does the Employee have an email address?
Kind regards,
James Ellis
Aug 26, 2020 03:22 AM
Sep 07, 2020 05:17 AM
Hi Markus,
Is the AD User, which is not showing in the Employee, delivered with LastName?
Kind regards,
James Ellis
Sep 30, 2020 04:00 AM
Sep 30, 2020 07:55 AM