We have attached various Java Platform applications to our Java licenses and we are seeing some ARL generated file paths from Application Properties > Evidence > File that seem out of the ordinary.
File: | ||||||||||
Name | Version | Product version | Product name | Path | Company | Recognition rule | Matches | Added evidence | Ignored | Assigned |
java.exe | 15.0.1.% | 15.0.1.% | Java(TM) Platform SE | C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath_target_164238187\ | Oracle% | At least one | 619 | No | No | Yes |
javac.exe | 15.0.1.% | 15.0.1.% | Java(TM) Platform SE | C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath_target_164238187\ | Oracle% | At least one | 619 | No | No | Yes |
jshell.exe | 15.0.1.% | 15.0.1.% | Java(TM) Platform SE | C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath_target_164238187\ | Oracle% | Not for recognition | 619 | No | No | Yes |
Name | Version | Product version | Product name | Path | Company | Recognition rule | Matches | Added evidence | Ignored | Assigned |
java.exe | 8.0.241% | 8.0.241% | Java(TM) Platform SE 8 | C:\Program Files\Progressive Insurance\Oracle\Java\javapath\ | Oracle% | At least one | 4,752 | No | No | Yes |
Name | Version | Product version | Product name | Path | Company | Recognition rule | Matches | Added evidence | Ignored | Assigned |
java.exe | 8.0.2210.% | 8.0.2210.% | Java(TM) Platform SE 8 | C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_221\bin\java.exe | Oracle% | At least one | 2,324 | No | No | Yes |
JRE8x86.exe | 8.0.2210.11 | 8.0.2210.11 | Java Platform SE 8 U221 | C:\Users\brian.t.gallagher\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\jre8\8.0.2210.11\ | Oracle% | Not for recognition | 0 | No | No | Yes |
Has anyone else seen these oddities on the file paths for ARL generated applications and is this the correct data or something that Flexera need to correct in the next version of the ARL?
Mar 19, 2021 12:04 PM
Hi Janice,
The SQL statement below retrieves all applications where the version numbers don't match. With ARL #2590, this statement returns 440 rows. You can see the results in the Excel file attachment 'JavaFileEvidence VersionNoNotMatching.xlsx'.
I have no idea who 'brian.t.gallagher' might be 😁 and why local Java file evidence information from his computer has been picked for the FNMS ARL :-). Basically, providing [FilePath] information with the ARL especially for Windows seems to be a waste of disk space and network bandwidth though.
,stt.[DefaultValue] As SoftwareTitleType
,stv.VersionName AS Version
,ste.EditionName As Edition
,oms.DescriptionDefaultValue As OperatorManageState
,stc.DefaultValue AS [SoftwareTitleClassification]
,ge.Path AS [Category]
,eer.RuleDefaultString AS EvidenceExistenceRule
FROM [SoftwareTitle] st
JOIN [SoftwareTitleType] stt
ON st.[SoftwareTitleTypeID] = stt.[SoftwareTitleTypeID]
JOIN [SoftwareTitleProduct] stp
ON st.[SoftwareTitleProductID] = stp.[SoftwareTitleProductID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [SoftwareTitleVersion] stv
ON st.[SoftwareTitleVersionID] = stv.[SoftwareTitleVersionID]
LEFT OUTER JOIN [SoftwareTitleEdition] ste
ON st.SoftwareTitleEditionID = ste.SoftwareTitleEditionID
JOIN [OperatorManageState] oms
ON st.[OperatorManageStateID] = oms.OperatorManageStateID
JOIN [SoftwareTitleClassification] stc
ON st.SoftwareTitleClassificationID = stc.SoftwareTitleClassificationID
JOIN GroupEX ge
ON ge.GroupExID = st.CategoryID
JOIN SoftwareTitleFileEvidence stfe -- provides the [FileEvidenceID]
ON stfe.SoftwareTitleID = st.SoftwareTitleID
JOIN [FileEvidence] fe
ON fe.FileEvidenceID = stfe.FileEvidenceID
JOIN [EvidenceExistenceRule] eer
on eer.EvidenceExistenceRuleID = stfe.EvidenceExistenceRuleID
1 = 1
AND (fe.Company LIKE 'Oracle%' OR fe.Company LIKE 'SUN%')
AND stp.ProductName LIKE '%JAVA%'
AND LEFT(stv.VersionName,1) <> LEFT(fe.FileVersion,1)
ORDER BY fe.Company, st.[FullName]
Mar 19, 2021 02:40 PM
The paths shown on file evidence records are illustrative of one common path that occurrences of this file were found across multiple computers when the the file evidence record was created. So the paths you see there can be treated as examples of where the identified files have been found; don't interpret this as an indication that all occurrences of an identified file are found at the stated path.
Mar 21, 2021 11:07 PM