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IBM Sub-capacity configuration in FNMS

I'm working on setting up FNM to calculate IBM sub-capacity licensing and I was hoping to get a better understanding of what's happening. I've looked at the documentation but I still have questions.  Here's a little background.

  • I have VMs that are running WebSphere MQ PVU and the VMs are clustered.
  • FNM agents are running on the host machines.
  • I checked the Enable frequent hardware scanning under Inventory Settings.
  • I set the Use Rights on Virtual Machines and Hosts to Use sub-capacity license calculations where available in the license properties.
  • I performed a reconcile on just the IBM publisher and one ran over night.

We have FNMS 2019 R2 installed and will upgrade to 2021 R1 in the next couple months. 

  • Do I need to set VM host affinity?  I would think that doesn't matter if we get the hardware properties from the VM. This might be an IBM requirement since we are getting rid of ILMT.
  • When I set the PVU hardware scanning under Inventory Scanning, do I need to update the FNM agent on those host machines or is the update sent automatically?
  • Are the IBM regions automatically created? I don't see where I can create them in the FNM UI.

Best Regards,

Steve B

(3) Replies

@FoxholeSteve - Have you verified the PVU calculations on your licenses?  Even when FNMS is calculating PVU sub-capacity calculations, that calculation is still displayed on the Consumption tab at the host level.  For example, if the PVU Points for a processor is 70, and the host as 16 cores, and the single VM where the IBM Product is installed has 2 cores, the Consumption tab will then display there are 140 PVU Points consumed at the host level (2 * 70).  If full capacity was calculated, then FNMS would show 16 * 70 = 1120 points at the host level.

Hi Kirk,

In our staging environment,  I see that the calculations are using the VMs hardware properties to calculate PVU usage which is great. However, the VM/Host relationship is not set. In production, I see the cluster and host for the VMs. FNM is calculating usage based on 48 cores and using the 100x multiplier so 4,800 consumed.  Once I set the PVU scanning for sub-capacity in production, I expect to see the calculations based on the VM hardware properties. 

Will the IBM regions that own the devices get created automagically? I see an option to assign a device to a region but no devices are listed. 

My other question was, how does FNM handle hosts and clusters? Will the frequent scanning be enough so we don't have to set affinity?

Thanks! Steve B

By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager
  • Do I need to set VM host affinity?  I would think that doesn't matter if we get the hardware properties from the VM. This might be an IBM requirement since we are getting rid of ILMT.

I expect host affinity information would normally come through the inventory information gathered in the FlexNet agent. You wouldn't normally set this manually - that would be difficult to do and accurately maintain across an entire estate.

  • When I set the PVU hardware scanning under Inventory Scanning, do I need to update the FNM agent on those host machines or is the update sent automatically?

This setting propagates automatically to agents through the agent policy.

  • Are the IBM regions automatically created? I don't see where I can create them in the FNM UI.

You need to map your location structure to IBM regions. You can do that on when editing location details in the UI once the Enable frequent hardware scanning for IBM sub-capacity license calculations check box configuration setting is enabled. See the following online help page for some more info: Enterprise > Locations


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