Hello, I need to upgrade the beacon to newest version to close some reported vulnerabilities related to the version of OPENSSL. We are planning on FNMS upgrade soon but until that happens I need to close the said vulnerabilities ASAP. So I'm wonderin...
Hey guys, Can anyone do me a favor? Can you take a look at C:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\BeaconSvc folder on application server and let me know if you have anything more there than what I have ?Thanks in advance.
Hi, We are still on on-prem 2023 R1 version of the Suite and we plan to upgrade soon but I'm wondering if it'd be OK to launch the newest release of the Inventory Agent deployment (we use third-party deployment) ahead of time. Will the new agents wor...
Hello, In an inventory file coming from a laptop running MacOS I see following lines:<Package Name="Java Virtual Machine" Evidence="ASPA" Version="15.0.3" InstallDate="20240507T080144">
<Property Name="Architecture" Value="x86_64,arm64e"/>
Hello Guys,Can't figure out why and hope someone can help me. I have a product list with PLS name stored as CSV. We have a custom field named 'PLS List Name' added to license object. Product name column from CSV file matches the custom field 'PLS Lis...
Hello @adrian_ritz, Did you manage to get it working with 2024 R1 version?I'm getting the same issues. There's problem with larger gz inventory files , over 2mb, but that's not always the the case. Furthermore, I copied problematic files to incoming ...
OK, so not wanting to take a risk I took another approach and thought I'd share the steps taken for those will have similar question:Downloaded the FlexNet Manager Suite Installer 2024 R1 Went to FlexNet Manager Suite Installer 2024 R1\FlexNet Manage...
Or something like this: select i.SoftwareTitleName as Name
,i.ProductName as Product
,sti.ClassificationDefaultValue as [Classification]
,sti.Category as [Application Category]
,sta.ActionDefaultValue as [Application Status]