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Flexnet agent inventory

I'm trying to find some documentation on what information Flexnet Agent adds / updates for inventory devices.  We had someone manually add evidence and was wondering if the agents or ServiceNow connection would update the evidence once it was installed. 

That is the current issue, but also wanting to understand what is all being update via FLexnet agent, versus ServiceNow, since my understanding is that the primary of FLexnet Agent is always the source so long as we marked it primary, making it hard to understand where the updates came from

(3) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

In relation to "what information Flexnet Agent adds / updates for inventory devices", you would find the following information populated based on data gathered by the agent:

  • Most properties on the General tab shown when viewing the inventory device record, except for StatusCompliance statusLinked asset, Device role and Category
  • Properties on the HardwareApplicationsEvidence and Containers tabs
  • Properties on the VM properties tab for some types of virtualization technologies

I can't immediately think of how you would have gone about "manually" adding evidence - there is no normal interface for doing that which I can think of. So I'm not sure I can comment much on whether agents or ServiceNow connection would update the evidence once it was installed.

One comment to clarify the treatment of the "primary" connections vs "secondary" connections: for single-valued properties (such as those appearing on the General and Hardware tabs), values from the primary connection will generally be chosen. However software evidence from all sources is merged when recognizing installed applications - evidence data from secondary connections is not treated differently from data from the primary connection.

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@ChrisG Does the agent import users on a machine, similar to SCCM's last logged on user or primary console user? 

Yes, the FlexNet agent includes the identify the currently logged on user in normal inventory gathered from computers. This information is retrieved from the Win32_ComputerSystem.UserName WMI property.

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