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Effective and Expiry Dates of 1/1/1900

Hello All, I need some clarification. We are currently seeing a large number of Microsoft PO Imports where maintenance is not selected yet we are getting Effective and Expiry Date fields being defaulted with 1/1/1900 date. I have confirmed through the recognized SKU that maintenance is not included however a Contract number is being included on the import. The help file says "You may associate software maintenance with a purchase, without recording a separate contract record." implying to me that having a contract may automatically set maintenance? Would this be true? I can not find any other correlations as to why this date is being set.

It does happen on non-Microsoft PO's as well but not at nearly the rate as the MS po's.


(1) Reply
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

My initial guess would be that the source data you are importing contains these values, or some other value (maybe an empty string or something else?) that gets automatically converted to the 1/1/1900 date.

So maybe check your source data, and how it might be treated/transformed during the import process.

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