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"Show Installed Apps" not working

In our environment (AP2019 R1 SP1),  we are integrated with FlexNet manager and have the "Show Installed Apps" option enabled in the console, but when browsing the catalog items, this indicator is not displaying as expected.    What else could be causing this not to work?



(9) Replies
By Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran

The only time that you will see an indication that an app is installed, is if the catalog item is tied to an ARL, and if the software is actually installed.  First, be sure that your catalog items are tied to an ARL, and that the software is actually installed on the device.. Also, you might need to restart the browser session, as some of the catalog information is cached. Let me know if the catalog items in question are indeed tied to an ARL, and that the software is indeed installed on the machine. In that case, I'll dig a bit deeper, to see if there would be any way to diagnose the problem.

Yes, we definitely have the ARL defined on the catalog item(s)....and using my device as an example, there are several products that I can verify are showing as installed in FNMS, which match catalog items that have the ARL defined.   

None of these catalog items are  indicating that the software is installed.     "Installed Software" isn't displaying on ANY device in our environment.

Can you check the user log for the account you are using, and let me know if you see the following log entries:

STARTING Reading installed software from FNMP for Machine <machineName>
COMPLETED Reading installed software from FNMP for Machine <machinename>

SKIPPING Reading installed software from FNMP for Machine <machineName>

The later entry indicates that your user account has multiple devices associated with it, so the installed software check will be skipped. Note that there are a couple of other "skipping" log entries, which might occur, but the case above is the most common.

After enabling verbose logging, here's what I found:

4/17/2020 5:46:25 PM STARTING Reading installed software from FNMP for Machine NGCMACHINE1
4/17/2020 5:46:27 PM COMPLETED Reading installed software from FNMP for Machine NGCMACHINE1. This will be cached for using it for setting installation status in catalogs
4/17/2020 5:46:27 PM Machine: NGCMACHINE1 has 212 softwares installed

Sorry, at a bit of a loss to explain why the "installed" icon is not displaying.. Just to confirm, you do not see the icon which is highlighted in the following screen capture? Just making sure that you were not expecting a different behavior:


Pretty anticlimactic 🙂 

Yes that "installed" indicator is exactly what we are NOT seeing.    

A few other things to mention (for what it's worth):

  • While we do NOT see the installed indicator on the catalog item, if we go to the MyApps tab, we do see the uninstall option....which indicates to me that it's picked up by inventory
  • I'm not sure if this error message is related, but we see it very frequently in the FNMSIntegration.log: 
    • Exception while executing method GetFNMPCustomViewWithMultipleFilters with parameters -60005, filter =System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Flexera.Integration.FNMP.Interfaces.ICustomViewFilter], 10000, TenantId= Server was unable to process request. ---> The value for filter Computer.FlatDomain must not be empty. at......

Is this something I should open up a support incident for?


While the error "Exception while executing method GetFNMPCustomViewWithMultipleFilters" is indeed related to checking for installed software for a device, it is likely not pertinent to your device (it usually indicates that the machine in question does not have the MachineDomain column set in WD_computer.. The fact that you see the following in your user logstells me that the API call was successful in your case and installed software was found:

Machine: NGCMACHINE1 has 212 softwares installed

This list of software is stored in the session, and App Portal should be attempting to match that list of installed software ARL's to catalog items. Can you by chance reproduce this in a dev environment? If you were to open a support case, I can try to drop some debugging in to see if we can diagnose the issue further. Less risky to do this in dev..
P.S.. Mention my name if you open a case so if somebody grabs it before me, they will know I was working on it already.

Charles, we are hoping to test this in our DEV environment shortly, to see if the issue exists there as well.  I hope to let you know if the next day or so.