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Windows Media Player 9 and AdminStudio

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Has anyone successfully created an MSI from Microsoft's Enterprise Deployment Package for Windows Media Player (v.9)? Not quite sure if there is something I'm doing wrong (while following the instructions with the EDP), if it's because of the Microsoft software, or if I'm missing something when using Developer.

Any (and I mean ANY) information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
(1) Reply

I need some more information from you on what you're experiencing and how you arrived there.

If I understand correctly, you're using the EDP to generate a customized MSI package of the Windows Media Player 9 setup. It sounds like you're saying the resulting MSI file is unusable or fails for an unknown reason?

How then does Developer fit into this scenario? Are you attempting to further modify the MSI in AdminStudio, in Developer perhaps?

How are you responding to the questions posed by the command interface in EDP?

Please help me understand then I may be able to assist you.