dineshshakya wrote:
i did enble 1433 port
You may not have enabled the required protocols: TCP\IP, Shared Memory, and Named Pipes. This is documented on page 23 of the AdminStudio 2014 Installation Guide, which you can download from
Also: Your SQL Server 2012 Express Edition may be using a SQL Instance name. If it is, you need to find out what the name is. For example: I have a SQL 2008 R2 Express Edition instance named Flexera, therefore I tell AdminStudio to connect to it as follows:
In the above screenshot my SQL Server's name is SJLTBORDER7 and my SQL Instance name is Flexera, thus I entered SJLTBORDER7\Flexera in the Server field.
If you're not sure what your SQL instance name is, you can log into the SQL Server, open Regedit and check the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL
(Note: My SQL Server is 2008 R2 and it is 32-bit. If you installed 64-bit SQL Server, you may need to omit Wow6432Node from the registry key name)