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Capturing an End User License Agreement

Is there anyway to capture an applications Complete EULA?

My company has a few small applications that need to be converted to MSI but they have unique EULAs, with different banners, wording and text. I can somewhat recreate these but its takes few days.
(4) Replies
You aren't able to copy-and-paste the EULA text? Or maybe print it to a PDF virtual printer and use Acrobat's OCR capabilities?

Depending on what format the legacy setups are in, the EULA may get cached under the temp folder during the install. You may want to get eyes on the temp folder and see what appears there (or in a subfolder) when you're at the EULA dialog.
Why do you want to have the EULA anyway?

If you repackage applications, and distribute silently...
Actually its in house software, distributed to about 1,000+ engineers, but because a lot of these engineers are short term contractors they have to accept the EULA set up by legal, the rest of the third party software is packaged and distributed silently.

I have the text (.rtf) documents that's not the problem. The problem is the branding and banner bitmap issues. They want it to appear the same as they created in the original. I can recreate them, it just takes a while and I was wondering if there was a short cut.

However I now realize that 99% of packages are meant to be silent, which explains why this isn't an issue to other users. Which is cool, because once I get over this batch of software I'll be back to third Party apps.
Branding and bitmapping is a manual task , you might even automate this.
Do you know where the branding / bitmaps are?
(for repackager and Installshield)