Can anyone tell me the difference between how the install should work if the application is assigned versus published?
I've repackaged Photosop and Paint Shop Pro and both work fine when I assign them through policy.
Unfortunately when I publish them and install them through Add/Remove Programs -> Add new programs they don't function.
The icons in the start menu appear as the generic DOS type icons and when I execute the shortcuts it goes through the process of installing but doesn't actually do so.
I get a event log like such:
Event Type: Warning
Event Source: MsiInstaller
Event Category: None
Event ID: 1001
Date: 2/4/2003
Time: 12:05:29 PM
User: N/A
Detection of product '{8AD4691D-00F9-4A84-9DE8-AD29C36192FD}', feature 'PaintShopProNewFeature' failed during request for component '{8EA58816-D67B-483A-A69D-06EB97C2A2D8}'
For more information, see Help and Support Center at ideas on why this is working fine for assigned apps but not for published?