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Microsoft Power BI Premium

SaaS Manger is not detecting instances of Power BI Premium.  Is Flexera One SaaS incapable of differentiating between Pro and Premium?


(4) Replies

Hey @shelby_day long time no speak!

In short, yes SaaS Manager does provide support for the Pro and Premium PBI SKU's. If you are not seeing them available when using the 'Manage Avaialble Licenses' workflow inside of the Licenses tab, then could I ask you to raise a support ticket?


SaaS is not picking up any difference between POWER BI Pro and Premium.  It seems like they are all being counted in Pro version.  We have limited number of the Premium licenses so I was hoping to get actual users of the Premium version.  We are not.

Hi @shelby_day this needs to be investigated, could I ask - if not already - for you to raise a support ticket?


Thanks.  Opening a case now.