Hi ,
I have already tried workaround
sed -i -e 's/tail +/tail -n +/g' -e 's/NR + 1/NR + 2/g' imgtrack
Also, i have invoked the ndtrack.sh separately as below
imgtrack example:latest --from-ndtrack /path/to/ndtrack.sh
Unable to proceed with imgtrack deployment.
Kindly guide further.
Dec 06, 2023 07:18 AM
Are you seeing any additional details appear before the "no ndtrack supporting linuxx86_64" message? If so, what does it say?
And what exact version of imgtrack are you using?
For extra troubleshooting on the file, you could execute commands like the following:
xpos=$(awk '/^#MARK/ { print NR + 1 }' imgtrack)
tail -n +$xpos imgtrack | tar --exclude '*/*' -tzf -
If successful, this should output a list of architectures supported by the imgtrack file, such as:
linux-muslx86/ linux-muslx86_64/ linuxx86/ linuxx86_64/
(NB. If you are using the older imgtrack 1.0.1 version, then the "NR + 1" in the above commands should be changed to "NR + 2". This is due to: Known Issue: Container Image Image Tool (imgtrack) fails with error: "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format" (IOK-929813).)
Dec 06, 2023 07:18 PM
Hi Chris,
Appreciate on quick response.
20.10 is the version that we are currently using for imgtrack and also ndtrack.sh
Output for the above command:
[root@<host> imgtrack-1.0.4-s390x]# xpos=$(awk '/^#MARK/ { print NR + 2 }' imgtrack)
[root@<host> imgtrack-1.0.4-s390x]# tail -n +$xpos imgtrack | tar --exclude '*/*' -tzf -
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
[root@<host> imgtrack-1.0.4-s390x]#
Adding additionally the outpul of imgtack deployment as well
[root@<host> imgtrack-1.0.4-s390x]# ./imgtrack example:latest --from-ndtrack /home/devbox/nd/ndtrack.sh
imgtrack: version 1.0.4, managesoft 20.1.0
imgtrack: WARNING: no beacon or output directory specified, the inventory will be lost!
imgtrack: using ndtrack version from /home/devbox/nd/ndtrack.sh
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child died with signal 13
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
imgtrack: ERROR: no ndtrack supporting linux-muslx86_64
Kindly guide further
Dec 07, 2023 03:02 AM
Hi Chris ,
So there are two folders for imgtrack files
I was using imgtrack from the imgtrack-1.0.4-s390x and i was facing issue.
This time i leveraged the imgtrack from imgtrack-1.0.4 along with below commands
imgtrack example:latest --from-ndtrack /path/to/ndtrack.sh
imgtrack example:latest --libc-variant glibc
And now the error is gone and ndi file is generated.
Dec 07, 2023 04:27 AM