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SLA capturing in FNMS on-premise


 When we purchase software and support, in related agreement/support documents the service level agreement (SLA) details will be provided. For example: for a severity 1 issue, response time is 30 mins, for a severity 2 issue response time is 2 business hours.

 So where exactly in the FNMS tool I can define/maintain these SLAs?




(2) Replies

Hello @kponnalu 


If the questioning product SLA is FlexNet Manager Suite, you can see the each level of maintenance and response time from the below link

Hope above link is what you are after ?



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By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion


If you want to depict third party maintenance in FNMS, you could create "Software maintenance and support" contracts and then use the "Infomation" text  area or "Terms and conditions" to store the information.

Best regards,
