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Paths to evidences on each device

Hi Guys,
I have been asked if it would be possible to somehow get paths to where some evidences are located on devices.
Basically, they want to get a list of devices that an application of certain category, let's say "Computer game", was found on. The thing is they also want to know WHERE exactly the evidence was found on each device.
Is it something that can be extracted from Flexera?


(1) Solution

There is no web browser interface for reporting on file path details from multiple computers at a time.

If you are using FlexNet Manager Suite (not Flexera One ITAM) and have access to query the compliance database then you could extract this data using a SQL query.  For example:


SELECT TOP 100 ic.ComputerName, ife.FileName, iifep.ExternalFilePath, ic.InventoryDate
FROM dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidence iife
    JOIN dbo.ImportedComputer ic
        ON ic.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ic.ExternalID = iife.ExternalID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedFileEvidence ife
        ON ife.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ife.ExternalFileID = iife.ExternalFileID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidencePath iifep
        ON iifep.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND iifep.ExternalFilePathID = iife.ExternalFilePathID


If you have a small environment (so not too much data to be managing) then configuring custom report objects to report on evidence data like described in the solution marked on the following thread might also be an option: Unrecognized Evidence Report.


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View solution in original post

(7) Replies

Hello ppyrzynski

Flexera can import this machine with the game listed but it will see the application game and categorize it as one of the following;

Help file
Hotfix, patch, update
Installer, setup
Insufficient information
Knowledge Base
Language pack or other language-related files
Miscellaneous application add-on, plugin or other negligible files
Miscellaneous OS file/service
Unreadable foreign characters

After that it will be marked as Irrelevant when Flexera tries to Normalize the data. 

You can ask for a Gap Report and see the game listed and see which machine it lives on.

Good luck 🙂


@RKelley3 - I suspect your comments here may be about Flexera's Data Platform product, while (based on the forum this post is in) I believe the topic of this thread is about FlexNet Manager Suite (or Flexera One ITAM).

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By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

Details of file path can be found under the File section of the Evidence tab when viewing an individual inventory device record:


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Hi Chris, 

Yes, I'm aware of this. And this is the reason why I think there must be a way to create a report/get a list that would contain all devices that applications of certain category were found on, along with the paths to evidences. I might be repeating myself, but I really don't know how else I can put it. ðŸ˜Š 


There is no web browser interface for reporting on file path details from multiple computers at a time.

If you are using FlexNet Manager Suite (not Flexera One ITAM) and have access to query the compliance database then you could extract this data using a SQL query.  For example:


SELECT TOP 100 ic.ComputerName, ife.FileName, iifep.ExternalFilePath, ic.InventoryDate
FROM dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidence iife
    JOIN dbo.ImportedComputer ic
        ON ic.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ic.ExternalID = iife.ExternalID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedFileEvidence ife
        ON ife.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ife.ExternalFileID = iife.ExternalFileID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidencePath iifep
        ON iifep.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND iifep.ExternalFilePathID = iife.ExternalFilePathID


If you have a small environment (so not too much data to be managing) then configuring custom report objects to report on evidence data like described in the solution marked on the following thread might also be an option: Unrecognized Evidence Report.


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Thanks a lot Chris, the query seems to work fine! Would it be also possible to link the evidences to specific applications? I mean in the same query?

The following query has been extended to include details of applications files are linked to via file evidence recognition rules:

SELECT ic.ComputerName, ife.FileName, iifep.ExternalFilePath, ic.InventoryDate, er.RuleDefaultString, st.FullName
FROM dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidence iife
    JOIN dbo.ImportedComputer ic
        ON ic.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ic.ExternalID = iife.ExternalID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedFileEvidence ife
        ON ife.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND ife.ExternalFileID = iife.ExternalFileID
    JOIN dbo.ImportedInstalledFileEvidencePath iifep
        ON iifep.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID
        AND iifep.ExternalFilePathID = iife.ExternalFilePathID
		dbo.ImportedFileEvidenceMapping ifem
		JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleFileEvidence stfe ON stfe.FileEvidenceID = ifem.FileEvidenceID
		JOIN dbo.EvidenceExistenceRuleI18N er ON er.EvidenceExistenceRuleID = stfe.EvidenceExistenceRuleID AND er.RuleDefaultString IN ('Required', 'At least one')
		LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitle st ON st.SoftwareTitleID = stfe.SoftwareTitleID
	) ON ifem.ComplianceConnectionID = iife.ComplianceConnectionID AND ifem.ExternalFileID = iife.ExternalFileID
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