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O365 connector report and local installations

Hello, we have O365 connector that created licenses for Visio Plans and allocated users.

Some users use it both via web browser and locally installed.

But there're also some local installations without the license allocation - I covered them by adding the regular application and now this is also counted into consumption - which is good. In the consumption tab they just show up as without any allocation - correctly.

For some consumption I'm assigning exemptions.


Now, if I were to list all users consuming this license, regardless of the allocation, I could go into the consumption tab and export it to excel. But I'd like to enrich it with more data hence I'd love to create a report in the report builder.

But I seem to be unable to create a report that will list all users consuming a license and add allocation status on top of that.

Apparently I can only create a report with all installations (which doesn't work for per user licenses) or all allocations (which won't include users that use the software but don't have it allocated via MS Portal).

How to proceed?

(5) Replies

On the Consumption tab of the license near the top, look for a link named "For more user details, view the User License Details report.".

Click on this link and run the report.  This should give you the details of what you are looking for, including the Computer Name, User Name, Software Title, Last Used Date, and if the user was allocated or not.

You may need to go into the Column Chooser of the report to add the columns you need.

Thank you, I didn't see this one.

For whatever reason it works for every license I need except for the EMS, returns nothing even though there're users consuming it in the consumption tab.

@kclausen did some further playing with this report. It only shows users that also have the local installation. I.e. it will not show users using only web version of the components. So it's incomplete.

I cannot think of a way to create your desired report from the User Interface without creating raw SQL.

As you mentioned, the license has been created from the Office 365 Adapter, so on the Consumption tab you can then infer the following:

Allocated = NO and Installed = YES  --> This would be a user who has the application installed locally and this user is not assigned to the O365 subscription in your Office 365 Portal

Allocated = YES and Installed = YES --> This is a user who has the application installed locally and this user is also assigned to the O365 subscription in your Office 365 Portal

Allocated = YES and Installed = NO --> This is a user who does not have the application installed locally and this user is also assigned to the O365 subscription in your Office 365 Portal.  This user is potentially only using the web version of the application.  This user could also not be using the application at all, and could be a license re-harvesting candidate.


@kclausen thank you for confirming it is only achievable via SQL.

Consumption tab isn't enough. I wanted to have a single report with all the users consuming the license regardless of the allocations, and all the applications they consume it with. Trying to join several different reports (indivdual installations + consumption tab) will be a waste of time every time I need to run the exercise.

 I will try to do it via SQL.