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O365 and SCCM connector for FNMS


For one of our client in FNMS sccm connector is setup however we are waiting for the beacon credentials , kindly provide your inputs on below queries

1)We can see the inventory data from some of the reports like, application install, all inventory etc. can you explain how this data is fed into FNMS, since we have not yet logged in to the beacon console.

2)How can we make sure if the SCCM import into FNMS is working fine?

3)What kind of reports we can get from FNMS which relate  to SCCM

4)Can we use a service account to login into beacon? how is it different from normal account?

5)O365 connector is setup and working fine, which is the report in FNMS which can provide the O365 usage data?

6)How to check if the O365 report from FNMS is accurate? is there a way to cross check this report from O365 console?

Kindly provide your inputs on the above points


(1) Reply


1) How did you set up the SCCM integration (as per your intro) without logging into the beacon UI?

2) You can monitor the beacon log files and the import process from within the FNMS UI.

3) If SCCM is the only inventory data source, almost all FNMS reports will relate to SCCM inventory data somehow.

4) That will depend on whether the service account is configured to allow interactive/remote logins. You will have to work with the client's AD team configuring the most approapriate account, and allow you to login to the beacon UI.

5) The 'Named User Licenses Consumption And Optimization' report may be a good starting point.

6) That would be one way of verification.
