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Hostname character limit change

Good Afternoon

We are experiencing a small issue in FNMS 2021 R1 On-Prem where FNMS only shows the first 15 characters of a hostname and the last few characters are truncated from the view.

Is there a way of increasing that character limit?

(9) Replies
By Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Hi IronMan, thanks for reaching out via the Community.

Are these Windows machines where you're seeing the 15-character name gathered?
If so, I believe the Windows Agent gathers the NetBIOS name - which on a Windows box is limited to 15 characters.
This is discussed in MS' own documentation, here:
"Maximum name length: 15 characters"

Kind regards and thanks,


Hi @jevans 


Yes these are Windows machines. Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated.

Also is there anyway that the Agent can pick up the full hostname?

you can add entry in registry

add new "String value" as ValueName=MachineId and Value Data is full hostname

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ManageSoft Corp\ManageSoft\Common

Thanks @msutharh - What if it is more than 1 machine?

Added idea FNMS-I-304 as it would be useful if it could be reviewed to see if the agent could be updated to take data from somewhere in case of this issue.

Hi Russel, any response on your useful idea?


By Level 17 Champion
Level 17 Champion

This just happened to one of my customers as well. The agent does collect data from the "Win32_ComputerSystem" class by default, but that does not include the "DNSHostName" attribute.


While we could theoretically change the existing "wmitrack.ini" on all machines or repack the agent, it would be way to much effort. I wish Flexera would consider adding the DNSHostName attribute to wmitrack.ini by default so that we at least had an option to update the ComputerCN in FNMSInventory or the ComputerName the reader.
