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Error when running Adoption Rules

Good day

We are receiving and error when running adoption:

Result of type 'TaskType_Adoption' on target '':
<TaskStatus Result="Failed" StartDateTime="2020-04-09T05:00:39" Type="Adoption" Status="RemoteExecutionFailedReturnedNonZero" Duration="4.34">
<Step Result="Failed" Type="RPCCommand" Status="RPCExecutionOnRemoteHostReturnedNonZero" Duration="4.34" Credential="Windows NA Domain Account">
<CommandLine>\\beaconname\mgsRET$\Adoption\ndinstlr.exe -r &quot;https://beaconname/ManageSoftDL/Packages/Flexera/Adoption/14.1.0/Rev1.0/Managed%20Device%20Adoption/Managed%20Device%20Adoption.osd&quot; -o DeployServerURL=&quot;https://beaconname/ManageSoftDL&quot; -o MsiInstallArgs=&quot;/L*v ManageSoft.msi.log DEPLOYSERVERURL=\&quot;https://beaconname/ManageSoftDL\&quot; ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress POLICYSOURCE=Server INSTALLMACHINEPOLICY=1 POLICYARGS=\&quot;-o InstallDefaultSchedule=TRUE -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet\&quot;&quot; -o INSTALLMACHINEPOLICY=&quot;1&quot;</CommandLine>
<Parameter Index="0">1</Parameter>


All ports, accounts, rules, targets seem to be correct. Has anyone experienced these issues.

I have removed the beacon name for privacy.



(6) Replies
By Level 8 Champion
Level 8 Champion


One good thing to verify is that the installation files really are located in that path. We had a strange error in our environment where the installation files was not replicated to the beacons, I did a manual fix by copying them from another beacon.

You can also review the log files on that beacon and also check on the test client.



I have also faced the same problem in my env. I am using latest onprem version.

I have verified packages in beacon & all are in place under adoption folder. 



We have the same problem on 2023R2, but cannot see the agent installation files in the https://<beacon>/ManageSoftDL folder.

We are running a POC and not sure where these files/folder structure comes from.

I have been able to locate the packages and copied that folder structure to the https://<beacon>/ManageSoftDL/Packages area.

However we are still getting the same error when trying to adopt a set of Windows workstations

Result of type 'TaskType_Adoption' on target 'x.x.x.201':
<TaskStatus Result="Failed" StartDateTime="2024-02-23T14:25:45" Type="Adoption" Status="RemoteExecutionFailedReturnedNonZero" Duration="1.12">
<Step Result="Failed" Type="RPCCommand" Status="RPCExecutionOnRemoteHostReturnedNonZero" Duration="1.12" Credential="Distribution Scheduled Task User">
<CommandLine>\\<beacon>\mgsRET$\Adoption\ndinstlr.exe -r &quot;https://<beacon>/ManageSoftDL/Packages/Flexera/Adoption/21.0.0/Rev1.0/Managed%20Device%20Adoption/Managed%20Device%20Adoption.osd&quot; -o DeployServerURL=&quot;https://<beacon>/ManageSoftDL&quot; -o MsiInstallArgs=&quot;/L*v ManageSoft.msi.log DEPLOYSERVERURL=\&quot;https://<beacon>/ManageSoftDL\&quot; ALLUSERS=1 REBOOT=ReallySuppress POLICYSOURCE=Server INSTALLMACHINEPOLICY=1 POLICYARGS=\&quot;-o InstallDefaultSchedule=TRUE -o UserInteractionLevel=Quiet\&quot;&quot; -o INSTALLMACHINEPO


Adoption can be quite tricky to make working, and quite challenging to troubleshoot, so you may want to contact Flexera Support to get some assistance with this.


Thanks for the update. We have now been able to work out adoption and agents for our Linux and Windows estates.