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User Console Install failing at "Intializing Solution"

User Console is failing at the the "Intializing Solution" step. The account we are using is then locked out.

Anyone experience anything like this?
(4) Replies
nope i never experienced this thing!!
We do have a case opened up, but haven't had any luck thus far.
Glad you have a ticket... For anyone experiencing this install issue please work with support please to dig in on your authentication setup as well as if you can just flip the installer flag on that step that its stuck on.

My issue was Could not obtain information about Windows NT group/user. I opened a support case and I had to switch the DB ownership to SA. After I did this and re-ran the installer it worked.

@goody612 wrote:
User Console is failing at the the "Intializing Solution" step. The account we are using is then locked out.

Anyone experience anything like this?