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Forum Posts

internal error 2705.Directory

Hello,I have this error "internal error 2705.Directory" when i try to install the MSI package.INSTALLDIR is correctly set. And i've also checked the directory what's wrong?thx

Script for searching & editing a file

Script for searching & editing a fileNavigate to C:\testOpen test1.config in Notepad Search for After the line that starts insert the following line Save the test1.config file.

Testing & Evaluating AdminStudio 8.6

Hi,I am currently testing and evaluating AdminStudio 8.6, specifically with the repackager feature, regardless of what format (MSI, EXE) my build output was in, it was always the same problem. The problem was when the build is completed, ran the ins...

Newbie Help: Adding a Service

I need some beginner help that doesnt seem to be covered via searching the forums or through the Help File. :confused: I just need to add a service to the destination machine that was missed during the initial install. Is there a way to do this easil...

Silent Mode - Executables

Hi,I have created a self-extracting executable for one of the packages i have made (Very simple package, simply copies a couple of files to C:\WINNT\System32\Macromed\Flash\ to disable auto-updates).Only problem is, when trying to distribute this in ...

rsnooks by Level 2
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Very sloooooowww repackaging with 8.6.1.

Dear reader(s),Today I started with our first bigger repack project, a part of Adobe Photoshop CS3, Adobe Bridge CS3.Waht puzzles me is that I started it at 13:45 and the Repackaging wizard was still on the screen at 17:00 hours, consuming 50% cpu wi...

Command line packaging??

Hi, I am wondering if it is possible to use adminstudio at command line to produce packages. :confused: For example i would like automatically create a package at the click of one button with no user input or GUI. Is it at all possible to create sile...

Apps with an SLA Status of "At Risk"

For Wfm v4.05Apps with an SLA Status of "At Risk" do not appear in the Application Requests Summary Report.This means that the total Apps in progress could be 50, with 10 Apps at risk of going of the SLA for the project.In the Application Requests Su...

Atlas1 by Level 5
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WFMv4.06 Template shows "Copies" in Project Report

I have created my Global Template for the default Servicer and Requester companies in WorkFlow Manager v4.06 (AdminStudio v8.6).I have flown a couple of applications through the template to verify it operates as expected and tweak the template where ...

Atlas1 by Level 5
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SQL Scripts do not create AMS_xyz SQL tables on install

Can anyone help ?I am installing AES and WFM for AdminStudio v8.6.I have run a successful pilot on AdminStudio v8.0 so I have a proven and documented install routine. The credentials used during installation and reuired permissions have already been ...

Atlas1 by Level 5
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