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Newbie Help: Adding a Service

I need some beginner help that doesnt seem to be covered via searching the forums or through the Help File. :confused:

I just need to add a service to the destination machine that was missed during the initial install. Is there a way to do this easily or am I better off starting from scratch?

Thanks in advance,
(2) Replies
I recreated the msi making sure the Service is in place and started and all looks good. However, when I run the newly created msi on a clean machine the service not only fails to start but its not even listed among the list of Services. Looks like this data is kept some other place than HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ or at least there is additional data elsewhere...

Any ideas? the way, using InstallShield 2008 Pro, AdminStudio Edition 14

Well there a two possibilities to do this:

1.) First of all you can do a registry export on the source machine (where you have done the packgaging of the setup and the service is installed

and then you can directly import the reg File (see doc attached) in Adminstudio

2.) You can use the Function "Install NT Service" within the Setup Design --> Components in Installshield Manager (see also attached doc)

as you describe the service isn't installed only in HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Services??

have you tried the search fuction in the registry on the source computer, to find the correct location of the service?

If a service (if the programmer does't care about the windows guidelines) isn't installed in the path above then it's quiet difficult cause you don't know how the programmer has do the call to the service, which means the software is bullshit (sorry for the hard words, but this often the case)

If you do a repackaging from the scratch its not shure, that the service will be installed correctly...

I woud prefer first solution there you have normally the whole data to put directly on the client while the setup runs

One example to illustrate this:

PDFCreator is one of the tools which is very tricky to do a repackaging... everything worked fine in AS and after i distributed the msi file on the target (via SW Distribution) the SW where installed but no virtual printer driver was created, after i stopped and restarted the printer spooler Service on the target machine (via a external Exe File) the printer was sucessfully added