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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

SMS Edition, how to delete registry keys

Hi,I need to include deletion of registry keys in my MSI package.So I tried to have the repackager capture regedit deletekeys.reg but no registry key deletions are captured. I configured Adminstudio to include registry key deletions and removed the r...

Packaging IE 6.0

Hi,Has anyone packaged Internet Explorer 6. I've received a setup file for IE which connects to the web and downloads the files and then installs IE 6. The downloaded files include ie6setup and cab files BRANDING, IEEXINST, SCRIPTEN, MPLAY2U and dat...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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SMS Edition, Server Verification Failed

I have just installed AdminStudio, SMS Edition. When I start the app, it tries to verify my SMS Server details. The information I put in is correct and has sufficient privelidges, but the verification fails. What could be causing this?

Question about removing a computer from a security group

We are using AdminStudio Professional 6.0We are deploying software via Active Directory and group policy in a windows xp and windows 2003 server environment.We have created 2 software application groups:1. SG APP DM with Active Integration2. SG APP D...

adelie by Level 2
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Repackager not working on VMware clean machine.

Hello All,When attempting to run Repackager from a VMware Workstation 5.5.1 “Clean machine” (XP with SP2 only) the snapshot fails to complete in either Single or Multi Step Snapshot modes. My host machine has AdminStudio Professional 7.5 installed, ...

Fek_lhr by Level 2
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Next Version of AdminStudio

Is there going to be an AdminStudio Beta / Release cycle soon? I'll probably be working with AdminStudio again soon and I'd like to know when it's going to pick up the improvements in IS12.

Patch creation error Val0001

I've build an msp just to replace a .bmp file with a newer version.Patch seems to work but at build I get the following error:================= Logging started at 7/27/2006 08:15:37 AM ==================Created release foldersPerforming Upgrading and...