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Trouble with an MST for installing Zenworks desktop

I am using AdminStudio for Zenworks. I open the Zenworks Desktop Agent MSI file and I have modified all the info I need and modified the features so that none will install except the application managment piece.

All works fine if I exceute it and click through the screens with this command:
start /w msiexec /i zfdagent.msi REBOOT=ReallySuppress TRANSFORMS=zfdagent.mst

But when I add the /qb!- to the end of that command. It runs through and installs all features even though I had them turned off?

Is there something I am missing or is it just not possible to do this?
frp 🙂
(1) Reply
.....I guess I must have done somehting wrong.
I started over and used the option the create a response transform
instead of doing it manually and it all works perfect now..

Thanks anyway
frp 🙂