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Snapshot of Office 2000 ?

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have tried to repackage a snapshot of Office 2000 on a Windows XP, SP 1a desktop but everytime I try to create the build it displays it fails but the MSI package that is created gives me a internal error 2343. My basic question that I have is it possible to repackage a snapshot with Office 2000 and install it on another desktop without running into alot of issues?? Thanks for any help or advice anyone can offer.
(3) Replies
I believe that Office is infact an MSI based installation and we would not recommend that you repackage this installation. We would recommend that you customize this install by using Tuner or Developer and create a Transform for this package.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Thanks for the reply to my post, I have been successful in deploying Office 2000 but still have yet to figure out the command line to type through SMS to apply a transform, so I've had to put this project on hold.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Office 2000 is based on MSI technology. You don't have to repack (Snapshot) it again.

Portions of the Office 2000 Resource Kit as well as the MSI Software Developer's Kit (SDK) will also be required to implement this solution. Both kits should be downloaded and installed prior to attempting the following procedure.The Office 2000 Resource kit (ORKTools.EXE) is available here:

The MSI SDK is available here:

The ideal way to customize an Office 2000 installation is to create a transform using the Custom Installation Wizard.To customize Office 2000:1. Set up an administrative distribution point for the Office 2000 setup files.

From Start > Run, execute the command line:MSIEXEC.EXE /a X:\DATA.MSI...where "X" is the letter of the CD-ROM drive containing the Office 2000 CD.This command line will perform an administrative installation of Office 2000, copying the necessary installation and MSI files to an administrative distribution point (shared network location). It is suggested that a drive letter and starting directory be specified when prompted,
i.e. "C:\O2Kdist\."

2. Run the Custom Installation Wizard and point it to DATA1.MSI (the main Office 2000 MSI). Assuming the Office Resource Kit was installed to the default location, the command line would be:C:\ORKTools\ToolBox\Tools\CIW and IEAK\Custom Installation Wizard\CUSTWIZ.EXE C:\O2Kdist\DATA1.MSIStep through the wizard, reading the instructions provided and making the desired customizations. Upon completing the wizard, a transform with the extension "MST" will have been created. For the purposes of this tutorial, the transform will be referred to as CUSTOM.MST.Note: Since XXXXX does not support the launching of transforms, the MSITRAN.EXE tool included with the MSI SDK is required to merge the transform into an installable MSI file. 3. Copy DATA1.MSI and the accompanying MST file from the administrative distribution point to the directory where MSITRAN.EXE resides (C:\MsiIntel.SDK\Tools\ by default).5. From a command prompt, execute the command line:


This applies the transform created by the Custom Installation Wizard to DATA1.MSI.6. Rename the newly transformed DATA1.MSI and copy it back to the administrative distribution point. For the purposes of this tutorial, DATA1.MSI will be renamed CUSTOM.MSI. Note: It is necessary to rename the transformed version to avoid overwriting the original.