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Validation using Merge Modules

Hi, I am starting to play around with conflict solving and so, I am howevfer curious as I cannot select merge module validation using developer menu? I have set the options to use both full MSI and merge module validation, but it doesn't run MM validations. Also, how can I get the developer to automatically fix ICE warnings?

also, not really anything to do with AS5, but relatedI suppose. I have tried using ORCA on XP with SP1 and it always throws up a C++ runtime error. If I switch it to win2k compatability mode, it works fine. Don't know if it is my setup, but just in case anyone else is having the same problem.
(1) Reply

Thank you for your message regarding validation in InstallShield Developer.

If you're attempting to build an MSI, then you won't be able to run the Merge Module Validation, that is for Merge Module projects. I believe it's the same way when using Orca for validation. As to the Orca C++ runtime error, I did some quick poking around the web site, but couldn't find anything regarding C++ errors. You might try their newsgroups to see if anyone has seen this sort of problem before.

As to using Developer to correct Internal Consistency Evaluator (ICE) warnings or errors, unfortunately that is not possible at this time. I will pass this request on to our development group for consideration.

Let us know if you have any other questions regarding InstallShield AdminStudio.