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Session.FormatRecord and VBScript

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I'm a bit confused about the use of Session.FormatRecord. It seems to me that it is not well documented. I tried to use it to retrieve some properties, bu it doesn't seem to wrok. 😞
It this the correct way to use it?

set rcd = Installer.createrecord(3)
rcd.stringdata(0) = "[1] ... [2]"
rcd.stringdata(1) = "[#filename.ext]"
rcd.stringdata(2) = "[ProductName]"
msgbox rcd.stringdata(0)

Any ideas? Any link? Any documentation?
(3) Replies
You're right, it doesn't seem to be documented very well; I think the return value of FormatRecord is the formatted string. Something like this, perhaps (sorry, this is from memory):
[code]Set oRec = Installer.CreateRecord(2) ' field zero isn't included
oRec.StringData(0) = "Hello, [1] on [2]!"
oRec.StringData(1) = "[LogonUser]"
oRec.StringData(2) = "[ComputerName]"
strFormattedText = Session.FormatRecord(oRec)
MsgBox strFormattedText[/code]
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
:confused: Puh...
Yes, it works. Thank you alot. By the way, check this link:

In the official documentation, there is no return value for Session.FormatRecord. However, your example vorks very well. Strange...

Don't you love the way it says
The FormatRecord method of the Session object returns a formatted string from a template and record data.

followed by
This method has no return values.