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Customized merge module not applied in Repackager !

I created my own merge modules for a couple of DLLs (usually installed in c:\windows\system32) used by an application.

I added the merge modules in my merge modules folder, but when I repackage the application (using AdminStudio Repackager), none of the merge modules is applied during the "applying merge modules" step !

Is there something special to check/do to make the merge modules "detectable"/"usable" by Repackager ? Is there a tutorial somewhere ?
(6) Replies
Any idea ?

Or does my question make no sense ?
UP !

I really need help : I still have no answer to my problem
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
In options.ini set the value of MMPathVersion to N under the General section.


By default, this setting is Y which means that the file destination and version must match exactly or the MSM will not be included.
Thank you for your reply, but I already set this parameter to N.

Furthermore, I made my own merge modules with the exact files (so same file version) installed by the software. Even with the parameter set to Y, it should have work !

In my opinion, there is still much to do with repackaging by InstallShield !!!
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Does this work for other MSMs?

If so, try specifying the location of the MSM in the Repackager IDE under Tools-Options-Merge Modules.

If not, what version of AdminStudio are you using? There may be some issues with builds prior to 5.5.
I'm using AS 5.5

Yes, it works with other MSMs... And I copied my own MSMs in the directory where I put all the MSMs : this is the only directory specified in Repackager under Tools-Options-Merge Modules.

Is it possible that no merge module is applied because an other merge module contains the same DLL (in a different version) ?