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Repackager Error - AdminStudio 9

Whilst attempting to repackage ArcPad 8.0 I have come across the following error:

ISDEV : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 0 from file Z:\Repackager\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico for icon ARPPRODUCTICON.exe

How did I get here?

I ran the Repackaging Wizard (using either snapshot or installation monitoring methods) on a VMWare Workstation running Windows XP Pro, installed the software (uses a Wise installer - not the cleanest installer) and then tried to build the msi using Repackager.

Repacakger errored out with the above error - anyone any idea on what's causing this error? - I have used this process many many times and had very few issues........

Thanks in advance

(11) Replies
Hi Greg,

Once in a while I've seen something of this nature. Basically, in some cases an *.ico file being used is not a true *.ico file, but just a *.bmp renamed with an *.ico extension. Windows uses this just fine as an icon, and the internal image data is identical, but the difference in file header can sometimes throw build errors with InstallShield since it's only expecting true *.ico files.

The way you can identify one of these is just to open the *.ico file with notepad, and see if the first two characters are 'BM' (for BitMap). If this is the case, I've found that simply re-saving the file using an Icon editor re-saves with the ICO file header and all is well.

Does this look like it's the case for you?
Hi Cary

I am a little confused......this is the error

ISDEV : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 0 from file Z:\Repackager\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico for icon ARPPRODUCTICON.exe

.......which *.ico file should I be looking at??

setupicon.ico - which is a part of the AdminStudio repackager folder or

ARPPRODUCTICON.exe - which in this case is an executable used within VMWare tools...... and shouldn't be referenced in the snapshot??

I performed a search of all the .ico files connected with ArcPad and there are over 400 of them 😞 Have started opening each of them in turn - this is laborious 😞 Is there no way of determining which .ico file is actually being processed??

For info this is my build log file

Friday, July 03, 2009 09:43:17AM

Starting conversion ...
Creating InstallShield project: C:\Packages\ESRI\ArcPad 8.0\ArcPad.ism
Creating InstallShield project: C:\Packages\ESRI\ArcPad 8.0\ArcPad.Context.ism
Reading repackager output file
Loading registry entries
Applying language 'English (code 2057)' to the project
Creating components for the files captured
Mapping registry information to the Advertising tables
Mapping COM data from registry information
Mapping Application IDs from registry information and writing to the AppId table
Mapping ProgIDs from registry information
Writing to the Class table
Mapping file extensions and MIME types from registry information to the Extension and Mime tables
Mapping shell extension verbs from registry information to the Verb table
Writing to the ProgId table
Mapping application paths from registry information
Mapping environment variables from registry information to the Environment table
Processing .INI file changes and writing to the IniFile table
Applying merge modules
Creating directory folders and writing to the CreateFolders table
Writing unmapped registry information to the Registry table
Writing information to the RemoveRegistry table
Writing information to the RemoveIniFile table
Writing information to the RemoveFile table
Creating shortcuts and writing to the Shortcut table
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for AXFSchema.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Developer Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPadDataManager_Developer.chm in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Developer Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPadDataManager_OMD.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Developer Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPadObjectModel.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Developer Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPadStudio.chm in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Developer Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ESRI ArcPad ReadMe.htm in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPad_InstallGuide.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPad_QuickRef.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPad_RefGuide.chm in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for ArcPad_UserGuide.chm in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.
A non-advertised shortcut must be created for Whats_New_In_ArcPad_80.pdf in folder [ProgramMenuFolder]ArcGIS\ArcPad 8.0\Help. Autorepair cannot be enabled for this shortcut.

Building .context.msi package ...
Created release folders
AdminExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdminUISequence table successfully built
AdvtExecuteSequence table successfully built
AdvtUISequence table successfully built
InstallExecuteSequence table successfully built
InstallUISequence table successfully built
Directory table successfully built
Feature table successfully built
FeatureComponents table successfully built
Component table successfully built
Loading File table
Building File table
File table successfully built
Class table successfully built
Extension table successfully built
ODBCDataSource table successfully built
ODBCDriver table successfully built
ISSQLScriptFile table successfully built
ISSQLScriptReplace table successfully built
ISSQLConnectionScript table successfully built
ISSQLConnection table successfully built
ISSQLConnectionDBServer table successfully built
ISSQLRequirement table successfully built
ISPalmApp table successfully built
ISPalmAppFile table successfully built
ISComPlusProxy table successfully built
ISComPlusApplication table successfully built
ISComCatalogCollection table successfully built
ISComCatalogCollectionObjects table successfully built
ISComCatalogObject table successfully built
ISComCatalogAttribute table successfully built
ISComPlusApplicationDLL table successfully built
ISComPlusServerFile table successfully built
ISComPlusProxyFile table successfully built
ISComPlusServerDepFile table successfully built
ISComPlusProxyDepFile table successfully built
ISXmlFile table successfully built
ISXmlElement table successfully built
ISXmlElementAttrib table successfully built
ActionText table successfully built
AppSearch table successfully built
BindImage table successfully built
CCPSearch table successfully built
Condition table successfully built
AppId table successfully built
ISDEV : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 0 from file Z:\Repackager\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico for icon ARPPRODUCTICON.exe
Started signing 17.tmp ...
Property table successfully built
BBControl table successfully built
Billboard table successfully built
Binary table successfully built
CompLocator table successfully built
Complus table successfully built
ControlCondition table successfully built
ControlEvent table successfully built
CreateFolder table successfully built
CustomAction table successfully built
Error table successfully built
DrLocator table successfully built
DuplicateFile table successfully built
Environment table successfully built
EventMapping table successfully built
FileSFPCatalog table successfully built
Font table successfully built
IniFile table successfully built
IniLocator table successfully built
ISCEApp table successfully built
ISCEDir table successfully built
ISCEFileExt table successfully built
ISCEInstall table successfully built
ISCEOtherAppCABs table successfully built
ISCERegistry table successfully built
ISCESetupFile table successfully built
ISCEShtCut table successfully built
ProgId table successfully built
ISComponentExtended table successfully built
ISCustomActionReference table successfully built
ISDRMFile table successfully built
ISFileManifests table successfully built
ISIISAppPool table successfully built
ISIISCommon table successfully built
ISIISMetaData table successfully built
ISIISWebServiceExtension table successfully built
ISObjectProperty table successfully built
IsolatedComponent table successfully built
ISSelfReg table successfully built
ISSQLDBMetaData table successfully built
ISSQLScriptError table successfully built
ISVRoot table successfully built
ISVRootAppMaps table successfully built
Verb table successfully built
ISWebSite table successfully built
ISXmlLocator table successfully built
LaunchCondition table successfully built
LockPermissions table successfully built
MIME table successfully built
MoveFile table successfully built
MsiAssembly table successfully built
MsiAssemblyName table successfully built
MsiDigitalCertificate table successfully built
MsiDigitalSignature table successfully built
MsiDriverPackages table successfully built
MsiPatchCertificate table successfully built
ODBCAttribute table successfully built
ODBCSourceAttribute table successfully built
ODBCTranslator table successfully built
PatchPackage table successfully built
PublishComponent table successfully built
Registry table successfully built
RegLocator table successfully built
RemoveFile table successfully built
RemoveIniFile table successfully built
RemoveRegistry table successfully built
ReserveCost table successfully built
SelfReg table successfully built
ServiceControl table successfully built
ServiceInstall table successfully built
SFPCatalog table successfully built
Shortcut table successfully built
Signature table successfully built
TextStyle table successfully built
TypeLib table successfully built
UIText table successfully built
Upgrade table successfully built
ISVirtualFile table successfully built
ISVirtualRegistry table successfully built
ISVirtualDirectory table successfully built
ISVirtualShortcut table successfully built
ISVirtualPackage table successfully built
ISVirtualRelease table successfully built
MsiEmbeddedUI table successfully built
MsiEmbeddedChainer table successfully built
ISChainPackage table successfully built
ISChainPackageData table successfully built
MsiPackageCertificate table successfully built
_Validation table successfully built
Searching project for extract-at-build components...
Validating Custom Action sequencing
Dialog AdminChangeFolder for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog AdminNetworkLocation for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog AdminWelcome for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog CancelSetup for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog CustomSetup for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog CustomSetupTips for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog CustomerInformation for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog DatabaseFolder for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog DestinationFolder for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog DiskSpaceRequirements for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog FilesInUse for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog InstallChangeFolder for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog InstallWelcome for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog LicenseAgreement for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog MaintenanceType for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog MaintenanceWelcome for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog MsiRMFilesInUse for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog OutOfSpace for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog PatchWelcome for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog ReadyToInstall for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog ReadyToRemove for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupCompleteError for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupCompleteSuccess for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupError for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupInitialization for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupInterrupted for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupProgress for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupResume for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SetupType for language English (United Kingdom) built
Dialog SplashBitmap for language English (United Kingdom) built
Resolving strings...
Language English (United Kingdom) built
Media table successfully built
Automatic update notification disabled
Product1\Release1 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Build failed.

Conversion stopped with one or more error(s).


Hi Greg,

To look at the build log, it's perhaps the icon being consumed in the *.ism under General Information -> Add/Remove Programs -> Display Icon.

And it seems as though the icon it's trying to use is:

Z:\Repackager\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico

It seems a bit odd that Repackager would error on one of its own files, however.
it could be easier to troubleshooting if you just use a different icon file to see how it goes.
Cary R wrote:
Hi Greg,

To look at the build log, it's perhaps the icon being consumed in the *.ism under General Information -> Add/Remove Programs -> Display Icon.

And it seems as though the icon it's trying to use is:

Z:\Repackager\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico

It seems a bit odd that Repackager would error on one of its own files, however.

Can anyone have solution for the problem specified by Greg. I have the same problem when i try to migrate project from Installshield 2008 to Installshield 2010.

did u try to use a different icon for this?
somehow, the path of the icon in previous project is changed , but the path value in the project might be still old value.
hemu243 wrote:
Can anyone have solution for the problem specified by Greg. I have the same problem when i try to migrate project from Installshield 2008 to Installshield 2010.


Hi Hemu,

An icon that worked in 2008 might get the error in 2009 and newer because of the issue I described in this thread a while ago (I believe icon handling changed in IS2009, which broke the usage of these non-standard icons).

I would check to see if the *.ico file it's erroring on has the first two bytes of its file as 'BM'. If so, it's one of these fake *.ico bitmap files, which you'll need to convert with an icon editor.

(for those that are curious, for a single-icon *.ico, this will pretty much just change the file header, since *.ico files are mostly normal bitmap files internally)
Has there been a resolution found yet? I'm having the same issue as Greg. I have AdminStudio 9.5 Standard Edition installed on Windows 7 x64. I'm trying to build a brand new package on a VMWare Workstation running XP Pro x86 (running islc.exe via a mapped network drive "R:"). When I try to "Build" the package, I get the following error:

ISEXP : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 0 from file R:\redist\Language Independent\OS Independent\setupicon.ico for icon ARPPRODUCTICON.exe

Please note that the 'setupicon.ico' file is part of the AdminStudio install...this isn't some custom .ico file. I've tried creating my own .ico file and replacing the setupicon.ico with that, but I still get the same error.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi everyone,

The build error is occurring because the InstallShield build engine is trying to treat the ICO file as an icon file, when it really is a file from a different format. When this occurs after repackaging, it is most likely because this file is actually an EXE file and not an ICO file. In this situation the IS build engine tries to treat the file as binary ICO format and fails to parse it correctly.

We have an issue for this with number IOA-000054889. It should be fixed for the next version.

You can work around this either at the Repackager project level or at the InstallShield project level.

I would probably recommend working around it at the InstallShield project level. So first build from the Repackager to create an ISM file. The error actually happens when building from the ISM file to create the MSI and not when building the ISM.

You can go to the Direct Editor view in the IS project and change the ISBuildSourcePath value for the shortcut causing the problem. You can rename the original ICO file to one with EXE extension and specify the renamed file in the ISBuildSourcePath column.

Then you can build from the IS project file to create the MSI. This should resolve the build error because now the icon file has been renamed to be an EXE file which it is.

You can also change the icon path for the shortcut in question in the ISM or recreate the shortcut.

I hope this helps.

I have a similar problem trying to use the limited edition of AdminStudio for LANDesk Management Suite.

When trying to repackage a .exe installation the build process fails because of icon problems. Please refer to the common icon failure; there were 3 nearly identical failures stemming from icon extration of a .exe file:

ISEXP : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 0 from file C:\Packages\CoWriter6\PROGRAMFILESFOLDER\DonJohnston\CoWriter\CoWriter.exe for icon Icon_CoWriter2.exe

ISEXP : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 1 from file C:\Packages\CoWriter6\ProgramFilesFolder\DonJohnston\CoWriter\CoWriter.exe for icon Icon_CoWriter.exe

ISEXP : error -3204: Cannot extract icon with index 2 from file C:\Packages\CoWriter6\ProgramFilesFolder\DonJohnston\CoWriter\CoWriter.exe for icon Icon_CoWriter1.exe

So I can see that my edition of AdminStudio is having problems with ICONS, but I have icons embedded in .exe files with no way to change the icons or even get at them.

The repackaging process just stopped because of this very silly problem and about all I can do on my own is throw my hands up and swear at Landesk for leaving this very important process to a third party app with the words LIMITED in the title. I can't even open the project file to make changes to it.

What am I supposed to do?

I see that you are not able to use the workaround I presented because you have the LANDesk limited edition which does not come with InstallShield Editor.

I think you may be able to workaround this issue by directly editing the INC file. This is a text file that you can open with Notepad. At the bottom of the file you will find the Links (shortcuts) section that lists all of the shortcuts along with their icon information.

Here is an example line:
CreateLink('BusinessObjects','%ProgramFilesFolder%\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\BUSOBJ.EXE','','%WindowsFolder%\Installer\{2B989026-FE29-4EE6-AC98-46816D43A32F}\IconFF937CC6.exe,2','%WindowsVolume%Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\BusinessObjects 5.1.6','BusinessObjects','')

You can see that IconFF937CC6.exe is the icon file with an index of 2. So this could be altered here before building the Repackager project. I would verify whether the icon EXE (Icon_CoWriter.exe) that is presenting the error for you is really an EXE file. If it is really an ICO file, then you may want to make a copy of the EXE file with the extension ICO in the same folder as the EXE. Then modify the CreateLink command to use the ICO file instead and rebuild.

You can also just pick one of the actual executables in your project as the source of the icon. Hopefully, you will be able to workaround this problem.
