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Virtual Package Editor uses App-V 4.5?

I created my first package with AdminStudio 10 Virtual Package Editor and to my surprise it indicated in History built with App-V version and I am on version I am not sure if it is indicating this because of remnants of an old 4.5 install or if the Editor actually uses version 4.5. I did create the package on my primary system and not a clean system

Can anyone clarify? Does the Virtual Package Editor use 4.5? Is there a way to upgrade it to 4.6?

Just an FYI the 14 file package worked using the Microsoft sequencer v4.6 on a clean PC, but has issues on the Virtual Package Editor created package.

Thanks in advance.

(3) Replies
Hi Tom,

My understanding is that the schema number doesn't necessarily have an impact on the functionality of the package, since the way we build up the packages is fairly client agnostic.

What kinds of issues are you seeing? Perhaps these are something more specific that can be looked into.
Hi Cary,

Thanks, if you want I could send you both packages to look at. They zip to about 1.3 meg.

On the AdminStudio package I get an error on launch "Operation not supported on selected printer." and it is likely bogus and something just pull off the error stack. I click OK and the application comes up, but when I select "Open" or "Save" I don't get a window to a open or save location.

On the MS Sequenced package that all works. There are some extra registry keys in the MS Package, but they don't appear relative to me. I may be missing something.

If you want to look at the packages, contact me via the mail system and I will can get together on how to send the zip file.

Again, thanks for taking a look.

By Level 12 Flexeran
Level 12 Flexeran
To clarify the version numbers you're seeing, we generate packages that target (and indicate) 4.5 unless there is a reason to require support only provided by 4.6. The common case of that is a 64-bit executable in the package, as 4.6 introduced 64-bit support. Aside from that, there should be little or no difference in their run-time behavior.