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Is there a way to order AppSearch?

[FONT=Garamond][SIZE=3]This is what I am trying to accomplish:

I have two related products. If one of them is already on the workstation, the second one needs to be installed to the same location. So I created a Signature and an entry in the RegLocator table to pick up the path of the first product and put it in a Property. Then, I created another Signature and an entry in the DrLocator table using the path Property just created to check for the existence of a particular file. If the file exists, I set INSTALLDIR to the path found.

The problem I have run into is that Windows Installer always evaluates the entry from the DrLocator table first, and since it hasn't done the RegLocator part, the path Property I created is empty, so it has no path to check, and it fails.

How can I make it evaluate the RegLocator first? Or should I be approaching this issue completely differently? It seems to make sense to me, that you would want to pick up a path out of the registry and use that for file searches, doesn't it?
(2) Replies
As pointed in AppSearch Table, "(t)he AppSearch action searches for signatures using the CompLocator table first, the RegLocator table second, the IniLocator table third, and finally the DrLocator table."

You may want to create and analyze your installation log for clues.
If AppSearch doesn't make the results available in the properties until the end of the action you might not be able to use it the way you are trying. You may have to break the registry locate out as a custom action and sequence it before AppSearch.