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Installing AMS Database Manually

I would like to be able to install the AMS database and the AdminStudio Application Catalog database by just using the SQL scripts located in the AMS\Support directory and the AdminStudio\5.0\Support directory. Which scripts should I run, and in what order should I run them?
(2) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Following are the steps required to manually create the AMS+AdminStudio database (an Application Catalog database]:
NOTE: These steps are only applicable for AdminStudio 5.0 Value Pack 1 (Enterprise Edition).

  • Start SQL Server Query Analyzer (ISQLW.EXE)

  • Create a blank database (using CREATE DATABASE Transact SQL Statement or using SQL Server Enterprise Manager)

  • Make this newly database as your current database (using USE database_name Transact SQL Statement or selecting the database from the combo box on the toolbar).

    NOTE: It is important that you run following script in the proper (newly created) database. The script make all changes in the current database. So make sure to select the correct database before running the scripts.

  • Creating AdminStudio database objects: Open and Run AS_SYSTEM_SCHEMA.sql.
    As far as I know, AMS does not ship this SQL File. You can get this file from AdminStudio client install Support folder.

    Make sure the above script execution succeeded without any errors (scroll through the output message window and make sure there are no (red) error lines. Also Query Analyzer status bar should read "Query batch completed."

  • Creating AMS database objects: Open and Run AMS_SYSTEM_SCHEMA.sql.

    Make sure the above script execution succeeded without any errors (scroll through the output message window and make sure there are no (red) error lines. Also Query Analyzer status bar should read "Query batch completed."

  • Initializing AMS tables. Open and Run AMS_Data.sql.
    This script initializes AMS tables and also contains some fixups. So it is important to run this script.
    Make sure the above script execution succeeded without any errors (scroll through the output message window and make sure there are no (red) error lines. Also Query Analyzer status bar should read "Query batch completed."

That's all. You now should be able to connect to this database from AdminStudio and also use this database for AMS.
Thanks! That's just what I needed.