If you have installed AdminStudio but cannot find InstallShield this article will provide steps to resolve that issue
After installing AdminStudio 2013 or later versions of AdminStudio, you may find that InstallShield has not been successfully installed. When trying to launch 'Editor' from within AdminStudio an error will be generated, Further to this the InstallShield Start Menu shortcut may also be missing.
You can check the installation directory for InstallShield to see if all files/folders have been correctly installed. The default install location is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\[Year]\
C:\Program Files\InstallShield\[Year]\ on a 32 bit machine
This location should contain the directories shown below. If InstallShield is completely missing, or only some of these folders exist. The below instructions may help you to resolve this issue.
This may be caused if you are logged into the machine with a user account that is not a local administrator on the machine.
To resolve this issue, you can try to install InstallShield on its own rather than using the AdminStudio suite installer. To do this you will need to extract the InstallShield setup from the AdminStudio setup executable by following the steps below.
1. Open a command prompt and change directory to the location of your AdminStudio setup.exe
2. Run the setup.exe through command prompt with the parameter /stage_only
3. A window will launch that will ask you to select a folder. Choose a folder that you can extract files to temporarily and click Install
This will create several folders at this location. Search through these folders for the InstallShield setup exe and attempt to install InstallShield using this executable, making sure to run with Administrator privileges.
Sometimes you may get error 2753 whilst trying to install if InstallShield was partially installed previously by the AdminStudio installer.
If this happens manually delete all of the files located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield\
[Year]Then attempt the installation again.
If you continue to experience issues please contact Flexera Software technical support.