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Error -6478 when making MSI

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am trying to package AutoGraph for a customer and I can't convert into an MSI as a font doesn't have a name.

I can go into the .ism file and add a name to the font but how do I then continue with converting into an MSI? If I go for the repackager program it wants to start from the .inc file not the .ism file so it doesn't pick up the change. I also can't change the .inc file as the developer want to convert it into an msi first.

Any info would be useful.

(1) Reply
Once you make the changes in the .ism file you should save and rebuild the project. Go to the Build menu and click Build Release. or simply press F7. You do not need to open the .inc file or use repackager program.